Full Moon in Aries —17 October 2024 — Wounds Brought to Light

This post is a gentle reminder that not all astrological energies feel good. However, instead of fear-mongering I prefer to view tougher transits with radical acceptance. Circumstances may challenge us, but we always get to decide how we respond to them.

If you've been studying the moon cycle for a while, you know the new moon is a time of beginnings and promise and the full moon is the realisation of that promise. The full moon shines a light on the seedlings that were sown at the new moon. 🌱🌕

This month, we see the fruits not only of what was planted at October's new moon, but whatever we commenced at the time of the total solar eclipse in April 2024.

Why is that? The full moon chart shares a lot of similarities with that eclipse — namely that the moon is in Aries, conjunct the wounded healer Chiron. Also, due to retrogradation, the planets Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are essentially at the same positions they were during the eclipse.

Solar eclipses are supercharged new moons, so if you think back to when both the sun and moon were in Aries, the advice was to take a risk, particularly with anything that triggers an old wound (the Chiron influence). 6 months on, that wound may be triggered again. It's time to assess what we did the first time and its outcome. You may question a bold leap that didn't quite land, or perhaps (because I find astrology always speaks in polarities) regret that you chose to play it safe. Now you get another chance. Will you fall back on unhealthy patterns or dare to behave differently?

We also have a T-square with Mars in Cancer in the mix. Mars is uncomfortable in Cancer because it is the planet of action and Cancer likes to move sideways and can struggle to directly pursue what it wants.

The moon wants to burn it all down (again?) to free itself from any lingering pain, but the sun in Libra and Mars in Cancer say 'wait, we might not be done here.' This is confronting because we are pain-avoiding creatures, and to be asked to examine our wounds hurts. But will action or inaction break the cycle?


Nodal Shift - North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo


Libra Season Mantras