Chiron Conjunct North Node

On 19th February we will experience a conjunction between Chiron and the north node of the Moon. The last time this conjunction took place was in 2008!

Chiron is what is known as a 'centaur,' a planetary object that resembles an asteroid but with a halo like a comet. The archetype of Chiron is the 'wounded healer,' in reference to Greek mythology where Chiron, a centaur (a half-man, half-horse), was a gifted teacher and healer who could not save himself from a fatal injury. Chiron's position in our natal chart points us towards our deepest wound, often received in childhood or even epigenetically, which we have trouble fully resolving. Often, though, we have a special gift in recognising a similar wound in others, and helping them to overcome it.

The nodes of the moon are abstract points where the orbits of the sun and moon intersect. They are a foundational concept in evolutionary astrology where they signify, simply, our past and our future. The South Node is where we are coming from. It can be traits we developed over previous lives, if that belief system resonates with you, or things we master easily in this life, which, if relied upon too heavily, can lead to stagnation. The North Node is where we are going. It is usually a way of being that seems unfamiliar and awkward, but one that, if we lean into, can transform our life's trajectory in a new direction.

Chiron meeting the North Node is a perfect time to reflect upon those deep wounds we all carry, but to see them in a different way — and more importantly, to use them as a catalyst to behave differently. This conjunction is happening in the sign of Aries, a cardinal sign that encourages action and is not afraid of making mistakes or ruffling a few feathers along the way. I see this transit as a perfect opportunity to do what you need to do to soothe the tender parts of your own psyche and your own inner child, regardless if anyone else will understand it. You can alchemise past pain into strength, set a boundary you need to, re-embrace a hobby you were told was 'pointless,' ask for forgiveness, make that phone call. Take a step out of your comfort zone because if not now, when?

Art: Wolfgang Harmes


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