Full Moon in Leo — One out of Many or Out of Many, One?

All full moons are oppositions. The sun and moon are in two signs that are 180 degrees apart on the zodiac wheel. The signs are of the same modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable), but in different elements. Air always pairs with fire, water with earth. In today's full moon, Aquarius (air) is cool-headed with a piercing intellect, able to bring a fresh perspective to any conundrum. Leo (fire) brings a warm heart, able to make you care about the problem Aquarius wants so desperately to solve.

Aquarius can see Leo as a Golden Retriever puppy — foolishly exuberant, cute but sometimes a bit too needy. And Leo can see Aquarius as a robot, full of data and observations but disconnected from the 'human' part of the human condition. Yet, both need each other. Aquarius innovates, Leo celebrates. The full moon invites us to ponder this symbiosis.

There has been SO MUCH emphasis on Aquarius recently, with heavy-hitting Pluto meeting up with the Sun at 0 degrees of the sign where it will reside for the next 20 years. It's been all 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,' we'll rise or fall together, we'll either careen into a techno-dystopia or shift paradigms to finally usher in the Age of Aquarius. There's been a lot of visioning, which befits Uranus as the modern ruler of Aquarius, but also a lot of fear (hello Saturn, traditional ruling planet). What if majority rules and the majority doesn't believe what I do?

I think it can become easy to focus on the idea that Aquarius is 'society,' and because society is bigger than us, there's nothing much we can do. We worry we'll be swept along by the current regardless of whether we like the direction it is flowing. And that's where Leo comes in. If Aquarius is the collective, Leo is the individual. And a collective, at its core, is a group of individuals. We're not powerless. And maybe it's the Leo sun in me, but I do believe that each of has something unique to contribute to our families, to our communities, to all the concentric circles that ultimately make up that nebulous 'society.' So now is not the time for our voices to be silent.

Now is the time to dig in, get clear on the yearnings of our hearts, and start imagining how we, as conscious humans, can contribute to steering the tide. For paradoxically, Aquarius loves the weirdos and the rule breakers. Could you imagine a future where we are all 'the same' only as far as we are all part of a rainbow, each shimmering at their own glorious frequency?🌈


New Moon in Aquarius - Give Me Something New


Venus Enters Leo for an Extended Stay